Tips for Taking a Pet Friendly Vacation

Last Updated on May 22, 2024 by ellen

Our pets are such a huge part of our lives that taking a pet friendly vacation just seems natural. After all, our pets make us so happy that there is no reason that we shouldn’t bring them along with us when we relax.

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Tips for taking a pet friendly vacation

Taking a Pet Friendly Vacation

There is a lot to consider when planning a pet friendly vacation. Where will you go? How will you get there? What will you do once you arrive?

One of the biggest questions that most people consider when taking a pet friendly vacation is where they will stay? After all, not all hotels or bed and breakfasts will allow their guests to bring pets when they visit. Unless you are staying with friends or family, you’ll need to search dog friendly lodges to find accommodations.

a man training a white dog

Pet friendly accommodations

These lodges often offer special accommodations for pet owners including special walks and trails that you and your dog can enjoy during your visit. After all, your dog will be much happier if they can get outside and run around rather than stay inside in their crate all day.

dog sleeping on the bed

Hotel rooms for pet owners

Be certain to ask if there are rooms that would be better suited for large dogs or if you plan on bringing along more than one pet. There are hotels and lodges that will accept your cat as well as your dog so make sure that you check when placing your reservation.

Most businesses will prefer that you keep your pet off the bed and chairs so make sure that you ask if a pet bed is provided. If it isn’t, make sure that you pack a pet bed for your pet to relax on while you’re there.

small brown dog on a leash

Dog friendly attractions

You will also want to look for dog friendly attractions to visit with your pet on your vacation. Ask the at the information desk if the lodge has any recommendations for local attractions including restaurants or outdoor eateries that you can both visit for lunch or dinner.

Have you ever taken a pet friendly vacation? Learn how to get your dog to smile for a selfie.

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12 thoughts on “Tips for Taking a Pet Friendly Vacation

  1. My sister in law went on a 53 day trip across country with her husband and her dog. She had an app on her phone to find pet friendly hotels which was how they were able to travel at their own pace

  2. I’ve noticed there are less places that accommodate large dogs. My german shepherd is a great dog yet most hotels will not allow a dog over 50 pounds.

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