How to Keep Cats from Scratching Leather Furniture

Last Updated on September 15, 2023 by ellen

Wondering how to keep cats from scratching leather furniture? Check out these tips to stop cats from using your leather couches as scratching posts.

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Wondering how to keep cats from scratching leather furniture? Check out these tips to stop cats from using your leather couches as scratching posts.

How to Keep Cats from Scratching Leather Furniture

Seeing your cat scratching leather furniture is enough to make even the biggest cat lover upset. So many cats prefer to scratch furniture rather than scratching posts.

To keep your cat from scratching your leather couch or chair, try a few of these tips. You can stop cats from scratching your leather sofa and other scratch-worthy items with time.

Keep in mind, scratching is a natural behavior. But, excessive scratching is a destructive behavior you can change over time.

Why do cats scratch leather furniture?

Most cats are naturally inclined to scratch things. Part of the reason is that they like to mark their territory and exert dominance over other cats in the house.

Cats also love the feeling of digging their claws into something soft yet firm, like leather couches or chairs.

two kittens sitting in a cat tree

Get a scratching post or cat tree

Cats love to scratch, so providing them with another outlet for their energy is a great way to protect your leather couch. Place scratching posts or mats near the furniture that they can use to keep their claws in shape instead of on your leather couch.

Your cat should use a scratching post instead of your expensive leather furniture. Our cat likes this one.

a woman holding a spray bottle

Use a natural deterrent to deter cats

If you catch your cat in the act of scratching, you can use a remote deterrent like a water gun or spray bottle filled with water. Startle them with a sharp noise and immediately follow up with the water.

This isn’t meant to hurt your cat, but just to let them know that their behavior isn’t acceptable. You can do this when you see your cat scratching furniture.

Positive reinforcement

If your cat scratches appropriate items like a scratching post, cat tree, or mat, make sure to reward them with treats or praise. You want to encourage their good behavior and reinforce that these are the items you want them to scratch instead of the leather couch.

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Trim your cat’s nails

This is the best solution to stop scratching. It’s important to keep your cat’s nails trimmed so they cause less damage if they scratch your leather couch.

Trimming their nails regularly will also help to prevent them from accidentally clawing up your leather furniture.

Discourage scratching by covering furniture

If all else fails, you may want to consider covering the leather furniture with a blanket or slipcover when you are not using it. This helps to protect the furniture and prevents cats from scratching it when you are not around.

You don’t need to keep your furniture covered all the time, just until your cats scratch their post instead of your leather furniture.

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Cover their nails

Use gel nail caps, also known as Soft Paws. They are vinyl covers that you can put over your cat’s nails to protect surfaces from scratching.

They are available at most pet supply stores and with a little bit of patience and practice, they can be an effective way to keep cats from damaging leather furniture.

Just hold your cat’s paw gently and slip the nail cap on each claw. It takes practice but works to keep cats from scratching.

If you can’t find them at pet stores in your area, you can get them here.

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Furniture scratch guard

Use a cat scratch guard. This is a plastic strip that you can attach to the edges of furniture, which cats do not like to scratch. If your cat does attempt to scratch on this surface, it will make a noise that startles them and deters them from continuing.

Attach sticky tape

Make sure to use double-sided tape, as this will make it uncomfortable for cats to scratch and help deter them from doing so.

The tape will stick to your cat’s paws and discourage scratching.

cork cat toys with yellow feathers on a blue rug

Provide them with enough toys

Make sure to provide your cats with plenty of new toys so that they have something else to do other than scratching your leather furniture.

Cats are curious creatures and need activities to keep them busy. Interactive toys like ping pong balls, catnip mice, or fishing poles can help distract them from the furniture.

Best products to stop cat scratching

  • Cat tree
  • Scratching post
  • Toys
  • Scratch guard
  • Soft paws
  • Sticky tape
  • Nail trimmer

Wondering how to keep cats from scratching leather furniture? Check out these tips to stop cats from using your leather couches as scratching posts.

By following these tips, you should be able to keep your cats from scratching your leather furniture and save it from getting damaged. It may take some time and patience, but with consistent effort, you can get your cat

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